Because the heart beats under a covering of hair, of fur,
feathers, or wings, it is, for that reason, to be of no account?
~Jean Paul Richter

In loving memory of my sweet baby girl, beloved girl had
severe arthritis,Cushing's disease,& a neurological
disease..Rest In Peace..

Faith got to know & love my nephews,sister,mom,dad..
she wove her way into everyone's hearts,& became family to
them..she made many doggy friends here-
Ayla,Dixie,Aspen,Maddie,Michael,to name a few..
Faith loved to play fetch,tug of war,& her favorite tricks were
shaking,rolling over,jumping up,& playing peek a boo..

Faith was loved very much,by so her Mama,her
Daddy,sister Star,2nd Mom Tonja,Aunty Jess,my nephews,my
Mom & Dad..You are forever in our
hearts..Rest in peace baby girl,I love you..Thank you,for adopting
me..for loving me,making me laugh..thank you for all the
kisses,snuggles,times you protected me..thank you for
coming into my life & making my days brighter &
happier..i will miss so much-your squishy face,your beautiful
brown eyes that looked amber in the sunlight,the
way you felt cuddled up next to me..i will miss
watching you run so fast you have grass flying as you
go,your games of peek a boo,watching you & Daddy play..a
million memories flood my mind,of you..i'm grateful for every
minute we had together..loving you has been one of my
greatest joys in life..

Faith was the most loving dog i've ever known..once you had her
love & trust,you were forever hers..she was my best
friend,my constant companion..
Faithy,i will never forget you or the love & bond
we had..

One day dear Faith,you & Mama will have all the time in the world
for kisses & pawshakes..i miss the warmth of your
paw in my hand,i miss kissing the top of your head..until we
meet again my girl..

Sunlight streams through window pane unto a spot on the floor....
then I remember, it's where you used to lie, but now you are
no more. Our feet walk down a hall of carpet, and muted
echoes sound.... then I remember, It's where your
paws would joyously abound. A voice is heard along the
road, and up beyond the hill, then I remember it can't be
yours.... your golden voice is still. But I'll take that vacant
spot of floor and empty muted hall and lay them with the
absent voice and unused dish along the wall. I'll wrap
these treasured memorials in a blanket of my love and
keep them for my best friend until we meet above.

What a journey she has had, i was lucky enough to share it with her for two
years..she was dumped literally in a ditch,she had Parvo..she was the only
one that survived,out of 4 puppies..we actually adopted her sister Hope
first,who passed away 5 days after we got her..i chose the name Faith
because it just Grandpa had passed away the same day as Hope,& Faith
really helped me deal with Grandpa's death..i know i rescued her,but SHE
saved ME.. she protected me from two break in's,she helped me through a near
death illness..she was 6 months old when we got her & we'd never had a puppy
long term..boy,did we learn quick!-shredded kleenex,toilet paper,chewed up
table legs..the first few weeks i thought "oh lordy,what did we just do
adopting a pup?!" was hilarious,in a way!..Faith definitely tried our
patience during her puppy days,but in return.she gave us all the love she
had..her & i took daily walks,as she got her first taste of all the
sights,sounds,& smells of the big outdoors..we moved to a house in the
country & Faith & i had some of our best times together there..we'd take
long walks along those windy,country roads..we'd sit on the porch,listen to
the sounds of the night..we had a huge yard & Faith & i played many games of
fetch there..we moved to Colorado a year ago,& Faith loved to play in the
snow..we hiked many mountains & trails..she got to know & love my
nephews,sister,mom,dad..she wove her way into everyone's hearts,& became
family to them..she made many doggy friends
here-Ayla,Dixie,Aspen,Maddie,Michael,to name a few..Faith loved to play
fetch,tug of war,& her favorite tricks were shaking,rolling over,jumping
up,& playing peek a boo..

Faith loved the snow & played in it every chance she got!..i loved to watch
her run,snow flying up behind her..she was loved very much,by so
her Mama,her Daddy,sister Star,2nd Mom Tonja,Aunty Jess,my nephews,my Mom &
Dad..You are forever in our hearts..Rest in peace baby girl,I love
you..Thank you,for adopting me..for loving me,making me laugh..thank you for
all the kisses,snuggles,times you protected me..thank you for coming into my
life & making my days brighter & happier..i will miss so much-your squishy
face,your beautiful brown eyes that looked amber in the sunlight,the way you
felt cuddled up next to me..i will miss watching you run so fast you have
grass flying as you go,your games of peek a boo,watching you & Daddy play..a
million memories flood my mind,of you..i'm grateful for every minute we had
together..loving you has been one of my greatest joys in life

Faith was the most loving dog i've ever known..once you had her love &
trust,you were forever hers..Faith had a way of touching everyone's
lives,she was a true blessing to so many..she was my best friend,my constant
companion..Faithy,i will never forget you or the love & bond we had..

Faith adored her sister Star..we adopted Star in july of 2006..Faith & her
were of the things i miss the most is watching them play &
sleep together..

one day dear Faith,you & Mama will have all the time in the world for kisses
& pawshakes..i miss the warmth of your paw in my hand,i miss kissing the top
of your head..until we meet again my girl..

Music~*~Celine Dion~*~ Somewhere Over The Rainbow~*~

Faith And Peace Page two