When the waves of Sorrow lap at your feet,
And they work up to your heart.
Silver hued tears run down your cheeks,
And naught but sadness does impart.

Think of this place called Rainbow’s Bridge,
And the wondrous glory there.
A silent shadow looks down from a ridge,
And stands on edge your hair.

What is this wondrous graceful sound I hear,
That whispers to me on the breeze?
It is a sound that whispers peace,
And fills my heart with ease.

Is this my love that comes to me,
And whispers on the breeze?
It seems to say feel not guilt,
Listen to my whispers please.
Daddy, mommy, I Love You,
Forever and one day.
In your heart feel not blue,
Just listen to what I say.

I speak to you with sounds of love,
From high upon this ridge.
I wait for you to come above,
I’m happy at Rainbow Bridge.

Written by LoboWolf aka Don Dade

Dancing on the clouds, chasing the stars
Riding the winds of love
Sending my heart in the warmth of the sun
Singing songs of joy in memeories
I hold forever near and dear
Sliding on the tails of stars
To whisper in your ear
That I am always yours
You are forever mine
Gentle whispers to a caring heart in the night
Silky touches of a loving smile
Hugs forever given in dreams we meet
See me dancing on the silver clouds
Shadows in the moon light
Love whispered in the twinkle of a star
Here I am
Forever your girl

©BarTendersBluesWolf~~February 22, 2006

Quiet sentinels, watching from outside our view
Close enough to touch us, to wrap their love around our hearts.
For now we see them only in dreams and memories,
Gone now from our lives but forever and always a part.

Was it so long ago they were a small ball of fur and fun?
Has it been so long since they were a strong and regal youth?
Did we not see them change with age slowly before our eyes?
We saw them only with love, blinding us to the truth.

Their time is short compared to ours, we know this but deny it,
Blindly hoping we can hold back the sands of time.
So we are never ready to let go and are not ready to see
That life and time flow in a circle and not a straight line.

And so they leave us but they don't really leave us,
For their spirits circles back to watch over us with love.
Quiet sentinels, watching from outside our view
Waiting for us to complete our tasks and rejoin them above.

© Candace

Music~*~Josh Groban~*~To Where You Are~*~

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