Phillis Kale Frazier was born July 1st, 1943 near Sheldon, Missouri to Loretta Belle and Cecil Lee Dade and passed away on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at her home in Filer. At age 6, her family moved to the Magic Valley where she spent her youth and school years in Jerome and Eden and went to Valley High School, which she enjoyed very much.
In fact, Uncle Don, laughs as he tells a story about while he was in the Navy stationed in San Diego. When he was home for a visit he heard that Phillis was at the High School, she was on the pep squad at a basketball game. When he walked into the gym, which was packed, she was sitting ¾ of the way up the bleachers. He saw this beautiful girl stand up, scream his name, and jump over ten girls to get down to the gym floor. Right in the middle of the game she grabbed him and squeezed him like a long lost lover. Uncle Don didn’t recognize her until she stepped back and said, “Hi brother.” She had become a beautiful lady and he said she always was a lady, all her life.
Phillis had one sister Loretta Whaley. Rita remembered going with her on long walks to the long unused irrigation ponds that were about ½ a mile back from their farm. She said, “One day we decided that wasn’t a long enough walk so we followed the railroad tracks all the way to Hazelton, which was another 3 ½ miles. As we walked we laughed and sang songs all the way. We knew when we got to Hazelton we were going to be in trouble but we had a ball anyway. Sure enough when we got there the police had been called and we were in big trouble at home. We laughed at that memory to this day. Thanks for the memories Phil”.
Her mother says that Phillis was so captivated by the first rocket launches that she dreamed of some day going into space on Sputnik and circling the world. She was a dreamer all of her life Grandma said.
After school she married Henry Schwab on December 26, 1959, together they had six sons. They were later divorced. While working as a police dispatcher in Buhl, she met the love of her life and married Richard Frazier, we called him Dick, on October 11th, 1977. Richard adopted her sons and became their “Dad”. They ran a hobby shop out of their home and both spent many happy hours together working on their hobbies. Phillis and Dick lived together in Filer until his passing in 2001.
Phillis loved her six sons, Shane (deceased), Gary of Great Falls, Montana, Dwayne of Filer, Blaine (deceased), Casey of Buhl, and Tracey of Twin Falls and adored her 12 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.
Gary said it wasn’t funny at the time but looking back it was. Phillis and Dick went snowmobiling, she fell off the snowmobile and came back home with snowmobile tracks on her face. We all would love to have been there to see it happen.
Dwayne said, “Mom has always been there for me. Someone that would always think of me first and gladly put herself last. No matter what the consequences might be, that is who she was. Always giving to point of stubbornness. Some people think that is a bad trait but she wore it well. She always put her trust in god and believed that was the only way to live. That is a valuable trait to have, and has always been an inspiration to me. Life can teach you many things but the most important things in life are the things only mothers can teach because they come from the heart. Moms always want what is best for their children not what is best for themselves. She always did the unselfish things that carried me through life with the same attitude. To say the cliché “do unto others as you would have them do to you” is always a good way to live, but a hard line to follow. Somehow my mom found a way to live by that simple rule. I can truly say that simple thing you taught me is what has made me the person I am today. So mom thanks for the lesson. I am blessed in this life because you were my mom. This world won’t be the same without you, but the way you lived life will always be my inspiration.”
Dwayne remembered something he thinks is funny now. One time she chased him around in circles during a good spanking. He thought the faster he ran the less it would hurt. He said, “Boy was I wrong but I would have liked to be that fly on the wall watching.”
Phillis had many interests and talents. She loved lifting up the congregation at church and her family at home with her organ playing. She was happy when she sang with us too. She had a ready smile and a laugh that put joy in all of our hearts. She wrote poetry and had several poems published in the “Great American Book of Poetry”. Phillis also wrote letters and shared scripture with people in prison and some even became Christians. She was a story teller. She loved her two dogs, Baby and Bubba, running water, swallows nests, her flower and vegetable gardens and being a Sunday School teacher. She was self-employed until death.
Her niece Ramona said that her fondest memories of A. Phil were her story telling. She would get so wrapped up in telling the story that she would start laughing her very unique laugh through her words and before you knew it you couldn’t understand what she was saying. You would just be laughing along with her. Ramona also remembered picnics, barbeques and family dinners with A. Phil and her family and that she was very committed to everyone enjoying themselves. We are all very thankful to have our memories of her to carry with us day to day.
She was preceded in death by her father by her father, David Dale Smith; husband, Richard Frazier; and sons, Shane Frazier and Blaine Frazier. She is survived by her mother, Loretta Smith of Filer; sons, Gary Frazier of Great Falls, Mont., Dwayne Frazier of Filer, Casey Frazier of Buhl and Tracey Frazier of Twin Falls; brother, Donald Lee Dade of Fort Mojave, Arizona; sister, Loretta P. Whaley of Filer; 12 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Light a candle in Phillis's memory, for a sick, abused, or special needs furbaby,
or perhaps just someone who needs a prayer and a candle lit.