Angels Of The Rainbow

Here We are
Angels Of The Rainbow
Gentle Hugs From Angel Wings
I Love You
Written In The Stars
Guardian Angels
Always Near
Always Dear
Hear Us Whisper To Your Heart
Let Your Heart Find Peace
Healing Will Come
A Heart Beat At A Time
We Send You Comfort
In The Colours
Of The Rainbow
We Meet In Dreams Of Silver
Here We Are
Your Guardian Angels
Of The Rainbow
Forever Near
Forever Dear

Written With Love For The Angels
©BarTendersBluesWolf~January 2, 2006.

Journey's End

When time has flown so quickly and your friend has to leave your side.
The love you shared so freely will comfort you each day.
If tomorrow brings you sorrow in waves like the oceans tide.
The memories of days gone by will wash the pain away.

For the time spent loving is never lost and the love lives in your heart.
So when they leave this earthly life you have not lost your friend.
Their love for you and yours for them means you will never part.
And one day you will be together at the journeys end.

So look beyond the rainbow each day and you will see
They are happy each and every day as they wait for us to come.
The colors of the rainbow tell us of the joy that is to be.
When we see them once again at journeys end and we finally go home.

© Kathy Hayes aka AurichWolf aka Katie~~February 21 2006~~

Search For Peace On wings Of blue

With the morn's first ray of sun
It's time to fly - my little one
You may hear the ones who cry
This time don't stop to ponder why
I see you now up in the sky
Your trail of clouds as you fly high
Your wings are colored with every hue
Feathers spread wide showing iridescent blue
Search for peace and search for love
Keep flying high with the little dove
With style and grace upward you soar
Down here we question- could we do more?
Look back at earth -it's a tiny ball
You hear the wind give you a call
Wind of peace we prayed for you
Messenger of love," We need you too!"
Fly back and bring love -bring peace
Only then will the heartache cease

This poem was inspired by Nashoba Iki.
and the Silverone Pooky.
From the heart of Carol Ross.

Somewhere My Love
By Andy Williams

Wilbur Page Two