June 15, 1989 to April 24, 2007

Peaceful Sleep

Peaceful sleep gentle one.
My heart bids you good bye
after so many years as one.
My tears flowed as you took
your last breath in this world.

I know you awakened at the
bridge, filled with energy.
Greeting your family that
were there to welcome you
with a happy squeal.

My gentle one you take with
you my heart and love. Special
memories I have to give me
comfort. Images of you
wearing the hat I made
you with such pride. A well
dressed piggy you were.

Gentle slumbers Grizzy
till we are together again.
Love is always.

©J.C. Stewart, BarTendersBluesWolf
April 26th, 2007.

This is the tale of ONE little piggy. He could not build his home,
so I built it for him and her. When he was little he pretty much
lived with us. Then I built him a pen in the addition and ran a
ramp up through the sliding glass doors. When he wanted love
he would climb the ramp and reach out and touch love. He had
a very strange sense of reaching out, if you have ever heard a
pig squeal.
The only one he really liked was SheWolf. He was her baby pig.
He spent many hours sleeping on the sofa with his mommy SheWolf.
Was so cute to see them all cuddled up sound asleep. When she
was little she had a pig followed her all around. And ever since
she had wanted another pig as a companion animal. The first time
she mentioned it to me, I was so against it, I made her cry big
silver tears. I felt so ashamed of myself. One day she came in
with son Charles and I think it was he who mentioned the pigs
for sale. I just said, “go get one you like”.
She wasted no time leaving the house.
She came back with this little bitty black critter. I was lying on
the sofa, he came over to the couch and put his little hooves up
and squealed like nothing I ever heard before. I said, “geeeez
lady, he sounds like a dang Grizzly Bear”. That became his name.
Grizz lived for almost 18 years, 1989 to 2007 and he was a good
pig. He came to not like me to much. I would get a few beers in
me and start playing with him. I would stand over him and pick
up his front end just to hear him squeal. I did not hurt him, but
I suppose it might have wounded his little piggy pride. Later on
I quit doing that, but we never had a good rapport so it seemed to me.
He live a long and a loved life that little fellar. In the end when
he got sick he went fast. The last couple days he could not get
up to eat. He never complained. I hope he now flies the wind of
peace with all the other furbabies at the rainbow bridge. I am
sure he was welcomed and shown around.
Papa lobowolf don

~*~ ~*~

In The Garden
By Elvis Presley

Grizzy's Page Two