Gentle whispers for those who must part.
This is a parting of bodies never of hearts.
The bonding and unity with the one with the
gentle eyes is always.
Gentle whispers for the ones who can not
touch in this world, but dance among the
stars in dreams that comfort the soul.
Gentle whispers for those who grieve, for
your loved one is never gone from you.
Every breath you take they are there.
Every step you take they take it with you.
Gentle whispers to those who walk this path of sorrow.
Take the hand of a friend and walk the
path of healing. For each step you
take brings you closer to reunion
Gentle whispers for those who come together
in understanding. Your hearts are caring
and help those who grieve take that first step
to peace of heart. You are the angels that walk
among us.
You are loved always and forever by the
Angels of the Rainbow.
ŠJackie Stewart, January 30, 2007