Turk was born on 5/27/03 at th e Vet hosp. where I used to wotrk.
He was a born hunter and loved the outdoors....
that is where he was happiest, although I hated it!!
Turk brought me "gifts" each and every day, moles, mice, birds and even a snake and a bat once. I hated to see him toy with these creatues...
I just couldn't watch the chase part being an extreme animmal lover...
but I knew it was all just part of nature and it was what Andre loved the most.
How could I deprive him?
Turk spent his three short years very, very happy.
Hunting, playing, and loving me up constantly.
Maybe he knew his time was short. If he did,
he certainly knew how to make the most out of life. God,
there is soooo much we can learn from our pets isn't there?
Beside hunting, Turk's favorite pastime was sleeping
curled up in my bathroom sink. He just loved it!
I don't know why I never took a pic of this (am regretting it BIG TIME now) but if he was sleeping peacefully there I deliberately brushed my teeth or
washed my face in another sink, so as not to disturb him.
My baby Andre died of a coyote attack on 8/19/06. I miss him terribly!!
His life was tragically cut short but the life he had in his three
years was happy and extrememly fullfilled.
I am blessed to have known and shared three years with my precious Turken.
To my sweet boy:
I can't wait to see you at that bridge. We will frolick, play, hunt, eat and love each other eternally.
Just hope you've found yourself a sink to rest in....in the meantime.
Mama loves you immensely!!!!!! May you forever rest in peace.
©J.C.Stewart aka BarTendersBluesWolf~September 5, 2006
Think of this place called Rainbow’s Bridge,
And the wondrous glory there.
A silent shadow looks down from a ridge,
And stands on edge your hair.
What is this wondrous graceful sound I hear,
That whispers to me on the breeze?
It is a sound that whispers peace,
And fills my heart with ease.
Is this my love that comes to me,
And whispers on the breeze?
It seems to say feel not guilt,
Listen to my whispers please.
Daddy, mommy, I Love You,
Forever and one day.
In your heart feel not blue,
Just listen to what I say.
I speak to you with sounds of love,
From high upon this ridge.
I wait for you to come above,
I’m happy at Rainbow Bridge.
Written by LoboWolf aka Don Dade