Garth Brooks~The Dance

I will be forever grateful for your courage in helping me. Even though it was hard on your heart you where there for me. Yours was the face of love I saw in my heart when I left this world. All I remember is the love and joy you give me. The pain is no more. I fly with the eagles and run with the wolves. I dance on the clouds and find their silver lining. Please remember the life we shared and let the joy of those memories help you find peace. You stood by my side and you are always in my heart. We are always one. You gave me the rarest gift that only you could give me the gift of freedom from pain. You made it easier for me to find Rainbow Bridge.

I am not alone, I have made many friends. The lamb does lay down with the lion. Now is time for you to heal. You did what was best for me you let me go. I will never be far. Look into the night sky and the stars that twinkle and know that I am well and whole again. I thank you for the years together no matter how long or short. Love can happen in a heart beat and last forever.

© J.C. Stewart aka

After the storm had blown away,
I saw a rainbow up above.
It spoke to me of peace,
It spoke to me of love.

I saw the rainbow glowing,
As it replaced the stormy skies,
I felt a fear down deep inside,
As it reflected in my eyes.

In a shadow I stood there,
Tall and strong and bold,
On my cheeks ran silver teardrops,
Some were new and some were old.

My love for you
Glows in each silver tear,
The colors run together now,
And wipes away my fears.

(c) Lobowolf
aka Don Dade

I thank you for the living years,
Days filled with fun and love,
When I walked this earth by your side,
Before I was called above.

No longer a silly ball of baby fuzz,
No longer a proud brave youth,
No longer a strong and noble friend,
What’s left is just me, just my truth.

For I have changed so many times,
Yet somehow you’ve always loved me,
Without seeing that what you really loved
Was inside of me, not what you could see.

I am now free from imprisonment,
I am no longer shackled by pain.
Please do not feel that I am gone,
For we will see each other again.

But you worry that the details may dim,
That one day you’ll forget my face.
Like your clothes, my face has changed many times.
What you loved is my inner grace.

As time stole my beauty and strength,
And dimmed my hearing and sight,
Our love was not dimmed in the least
And you became my beauty and light.

Should you see the sweet innocent face of a child?
Or the strong and brave face of fiery youth?
Or the steadfast face of a trusted friend?
Or the grizzled face, old with the truth?

Now that I do not reside in this plane
Don’t worry if my earthly guise you can’t see.
Remember my inner spirit and light,
The me that your heart always could see.

© Candace

Light a candle in Becky's memory, for a sick, abused, or special needs furbaby, or perhaps just someone who needs a prayer and a candle lit.

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