~*~ Here Comes Goodbye ~*~
~*~ Rascal Flatts ~*~

As I lay down weary,
and I see you are dreary,
because you know tomorrow will come,
and I will leave and get a new home.
But if you keep worrying,
those memories will become blurry.
If you remember the good times,
with the mud and the dimes,
I will not be sad to go,
but I must say no,
for you to come with me,
and yes to you must set me free.
Meanwhile I await that day to come,
as I shall sing you a hum,
with only one sentence left to say,
which is see you later and cry you may!

© Tiffany B

When I see you wipe away a tear,
I can listen and hear,
I hear you say “I will always love you”,
and I whisper back “I love you too”,
I see you look around puzzled thinking that you are crazy,
but when you do look you see a note attached to a daisy.
When you open it you read it out loud,
and I can tell you know I’m proud,
not of me but of you because you made it all this way,
and you know that I’m okay.
When I look in this reflecting pond,
I can see you and beyond.
Right now I must say see you later,
and you are one of the greater,
as you lay,
you can cry as you may.

© Tiffany B

Dear Sassy,

I know that this is silly to write a note right now, but this is for me to say that I love you and I will always miss you. I know that you are in the sky looking, down at us crying too. I hope you are showing off you house I made you, in pride to all the friends you are making up at the bridge. I made that house for you only, but I might give it to you best friend, Angel, to use - but it will be only for your memory. Angel says that he will take your territory in Honor of your memory. Sassy, when you went to the bridge I thank you for sending me a dream of you and me together, you where walking me down the road of memory’s I had with you and to the every first day that I come up to you. Thank you for being who you were. When I saw you I was not sure what to do. I hope you don’t mind me saying that you were nothing but a feral cat before I took you in and loved you. I’m sorry I didn’t take you to the vet sooner, I would if I had my choice. I will miss you. I have your fur now to remember you by. I’m so sorry that I found you that way you were when you came back. I love you and never forget that I will be crying for you. I will have to go now. Be healthy and take care.

Tiffany, your mom

Dear Sassy,

I have been thinking of you all day. Even though I know you are up in the sky, shoulder reading, I still miss you. For your last day on earth did you accept coming in our house for the last time or did you do that because I was talking about taking you to the vet? I really thought that you would have made it to your arrival date. I’m so sorry that I didn’t give as much as love as I should of that day. When you fell asleep did you dream of a wonderful rainbow bridge with friends and family up at the entrance waiting for you? I’m glad that you went in your sleep because you’re the one that was on this earth with a hard life for so long.

I love you and miss you.
~*~ Tiffany

After the storm had blown away,
I saw a rainbow up above.
It spoke to me of peace,
It spoke to me of love.

I saw the rainbow glowing,
As it replaced the stormy skies,
I felt a fear down deep inside,
As it reflected in my eyes.

In a shadow I stood there,
Tall and strong and bold,
On my cheeks ran silver teardrops,
Some were new and some were old.

My love for you
Glows in each silver tear,
The colors run together now,
And wipes away my fears.

© Lobowolf

I gaze at your rainbow resting place
and wish you peaceful dreams
I keep you near for in our dreams we touch,
again floating on the stars
You are the face that is in my dreams
as I call your name
Come to me my boy ease my heart
and mind that you are near
To see you amongst the loves
of my heart family, never alone
Dream glances
of peaceful angels of the Rainbow

. I awaken from joyful dreams
of seeing you standing strong
To gaze at your Rainbow resting place,
Till we meet in our dreams
When the stars come out and guide me to you.
I wish you good morning
My gentle boy. God holds you
safe in the palm of his hand
Till my arms can hold you ,
never to let go.
Held in my heart, in dreams
we will always touch.
A Rainbow dance of reunion.

Till we cross together my boy.

© J.C. Stewart~*~June 19, 2006

Light a candle in memory of Sassy, for all those hurt or lost, for a sick, abused, or special needs furbaby, or perhaps just someone who needs a prayer and a candle lit.

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