Blue Eyes Cryin In The Rain
By willie Nelson


ShiShi, July 15, 2000 to November 18, 2003

A page for the memories of all who came to love our little girl.
For the memories of ShiShi.
We thank you one and all for the concern and love you have shown for her.
At 1:20PM PST 11/18/2003, ShiShi went to the Bridge of the Rainbow.
She fought the good fight, what more can be said.
May the Gentle Wind of Peace now forever and one day more be with Little Blue Eyes



I have a small white candle, I really want to light.
Therefore, I can walk with God as he holds my hand.
However, Mama will not let me out of site.
She keeps me here, in this land.

I try so hard to light, my candle everyday
However, mamas tears, always puts it out.
Let me go with the others to run and play.
All I do is sit here, with on my face a pout.

I promise, I am ok, no worries do I have.
So, let me go run and play, here in Gods land.
I will see you soon one day; please do not be so sad.
We will all be together, this is Gods plan.
By Morning Rain © May 30, 2003
footnote: I joined Morning Rains poetry site and posted poems and traded email with her often.
sadly Judy, Morning Rain, passed over to be with ShiShi some time later. Cancer.

My thanks to Barbie for forwarding this to us.

Hello grand frere and Shewolf
I'm thinking of both of you and of Sishi. I feel sad.. Mommy put the christmas decorations today. I know she didn't feel like it and Daddy didn't feel like putting up the Christmas lights outside but I know they did it for me to make me happy. It's very nice but I'm still sad. Mommy and Daddy are sad too. Her heart is really broken like mine. Besides that everything is okay I guess. The transport system are still on strike so we can't do anything when daddy isnt' home , no buses or subway. I think of you very much.
Petit loup xxxx

Cher grand frere and Shewolf
I've chosen this color to write to you because that's what the color of my heart is right now. I'm so sorry; I'm very very sad. Life's not fair. I wish I could find something intelligent to say but nothing is coming to my head because my heart's all broken up. I think you missed the message last night from my Daddy when I returned to bed so I want to tell you that he sends his sympathies and is very sad too. The only happy thing I can think of is she's not suffering any more and she's with my Fluffy and pooky and Troubles and they're having a lot of fun. I love you and Shewolf very much

Word to a song sent to us from the Famille Loup
If I need to die one day
I want you to be there
Because it is our love
That will assist me
Cross towards the unknown
At dawn I will then leave
Without any fear nor any regrets
And in my deliriousness
I will relive a whole life
of Memories
To cross over the mirror
I only want your glance
Upon my voyage of non return
To die next to my love
and to fall asleep eternally on your smile
The time that has chased us
Can never be separated
Even after this life
Our past joys
Will unite us forever
To walk into the shadow of the night
And to renounce to life itself
I want your arms to hold me
To die next to my love
And to fall asleep eternally on your smile
Maman Loup

Ed Williams
There are no words. My fingers hover over the keys & nothing comes.
This happens to me when the loss is too profound to believe.
You and ShiShi are a huge part of the Petloss family & while ShiShi is now
healed, we all feel a great sadness at her departure.
You truly fought the good fight wisely and compassionately.
"We are a circle of support here. Sometimes you are part of the supporting
circle and giving support & sometimes you are in the center and
receiving the support."
This is your time to be in the center LoboWolf. Time for us to return some
of the tremendous support you have given so many even while you were
hurting so much yourself.
Your friend.


by David Privette

Even when she was in so much pain,
She never would complain.
With eyes of blue and the color of ice,
She taught me the importance of always being nice.
Her heart was always full of love,
Now she showers that love to me from above.
There is now an empty place in my heart and soul,
But I long for the day when I too shall be made whole.
Free of pain and worry and doubt,
When at last I discover what life is truly about.
Thank you Shishi for going down Life’s lane with me,
And for helping me to know that one day, too, I shall be free.
Written for dad for all he has done for everyone.
David, the WizardWolf

Hi, Barb told me of your loss..... Don, Im so sorry to hear that. I know how much it hurts. It's like losing a family member. My heart goes out to you.
Judy / Morning Rain

Lobo, I just heard about your beloved Shishi. I am soo sorry. I really don't know what to say. I just want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. You and your wife have my deepest condolences.Sending you both much love.
Katie aka Ratwolf/Ryanwolf/Mommy of Ryan

I am so sorry I have not been in touch with you before now. I found out late last night that your Shishi went to Rainbow Bridge. Lobo, I am so very sorry. I know how much you and Linda loved your precious angel. I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and Linda, as always. May God give you peace and understanding in your hearts.
Your dear friend, Sandy. (Tiff's Mom)

Lobo I know there is no words to express how you feel right now, I am so sorry for your loss, it was like Shishi was apart of my family to you will always be in my thoughts ...tell shewolf I am sorry to............i was in the room last nite but it said I was son was in the hosptial yesterday to .. he is ok though.
Love you ,,,,Sherry

Hi Lobo,
I have been so deeply touched by your reaction to the love pouring in for you, like you don't think you deserve it all!? Lobo, for so long you have given so much of your heart and time to others, it's unfortunately your turn now. My friend Dottie did Patches on her Memorial Quilt for you, if you run your mouse over each picture of Shishi and Pooky, you will see a special message, and if you click on each picture, it should bring you into the link for their pages you have. If you have any question about this or is something is not correct, please let me know. I think you remember Dottie, she has the beautiful wolf pages and her wonderful site. By the way, you will see all my babies on the Memorial Quilt too, how will you know they are mine and Muffy's and Boo's and others? Just run your mouse over the picture. And if any of your friends would like a Patch for their beloved, let me know, I will take care of that for you and for them. And today Wanda told me she goes into Dawn's page you did for her every single day and cries. I bet you didn't know that. I said Wanda, Lobo did such an incredible Tribute to Dawn for you and she said I know, I am in there every day crying. And she has many web sites for Dawn, but yours is the one she loves the most. Look at me, all business when my heart is torn for Shishi and you and Linda, how empty you must think I am. Brother, I am not, I am so upset about Shishi, so young, and she fought every day for so long, I will NEVER forget her. And now when folks come into petloss and they talk about their baby having those mean and nasty whackadoos, you will be the expert they will come to for advise. And we go on, and so it goes. We learn so much from our babies being so natural. My heart to you and Linda, please tell her how I feel for her.
SisterWolf Sidni--(Catsid)
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

Dear Don and Linda,
I am so so so sorry about Shishi. I am crying so hard I can't see the keys. I cannot tell you how sorry I am. Know I have many tears for you and your baby. I know how hard it is Lobo, I really do. I lost another kitten and now Shishi Lobo it was as if I was a part of your family knowing what you have been going through with her and how helpless you feel when they are so sick. I hope all my babies were there to greet your Shishi, I know Wilbur loves her so much! He loved everyone ( except kids) LoL but he loved Alexandra
I love you

Thanx, Linda, for the thanxgiving greeting... & back to you {re: Happy Thanksgiving}, tho I know this will not be an easy one for you... I received the following verse....from the Rainbow Bridge e-mail list that I am on... & thot it might bring a bit of comfort...
Those we have loved,
Though now beyond our view,
Have given form and
substance to our being.
And they live on,
Unfailingly feeding our hearts
and our imagination,
Until the sense of their presence
Becomes greater than their absence.
Peace & gentle hugs to both of you!

Dear Don and Linda,
I am so sorry to hear of ShiShi's passing to the bridge. I didn't know before or I would have emailed you. We also lost another baby...Smokey...not even 1 yr old. I wonder why the one's you seem to love the most are taken., but then its not for us to wonder.
Love and prayers to you,

I have been searching the web for weeks now, and also wracking my brain, trying to come up with something that might be right for your memorial pages for ShiShi -- but knowing how much you and Linda hurt, how heartbreaking this loss was after such a long battle to save her, left me unable to think of (or find) anything that seemed adequate. This morning I woke up with the words below in my mind. It isn't really a poem; I'm not a poet. But I hope these words may bring some comfort to you and Linda.
For ShiShi
She closed her blue eyes
here on Earth
and opened them
to see the Light of Heaven.
Now monster-free,
those loving blue eyes follow you
as you battle sorrows,
monsters she now helps you with,
sending you love and hope
to see you through each day here,
until that glorious sunrise
when your eyes too will open in Heaven
and find her, radiant with love,
welcoming you with her shining gaze.
Love and hugs to you and Linda,

Dearest Lobo and Shewolf,
I am so sorry to hear of Shishi going to the bridge. She had been doing so well I thought. Did she have a fatal seizure? I would like you to put some words on your page if you think they are ok. To the one called Shishi,
I never knew you personally but now you know my best friend. Everyone loved you Shishi and you will be greatly missed here. I loved looking at your pictures and hearing about you. Made me almost feel like I knew you. Now you run and fly with the best of them. I am sure Jesse will love you to help her chase the ducks and terrorize them. Are you playing with Pooky? I am sure you already have many friends. With a face like yours, you will attract friends easily. Angels too! Now you fly with the pack. Goodbye dear one till I get to meet you for real when it is my time to join my Jesse. You will be one of the first ones I will ask her to show me to. I know it is hard for you Mommy and Daddy right now but I will do everything I can to help them and so will the rest of us I am sure. Peace to you little one as you fly with the best!
Nina Wilson.......bigblackwolf

For Love of Shishi
Once upon a time there was a pup named Shishi
This little poem will tell you of her story.
At only 5 weeks old she came to her new home
Where before her had lived one named Pooky.
This Pooky was well-loved, now sorely-missed
His Mommy thought she was not yet ready
To have another pup, to hug and kiss
To give her heart to break and love to spend
But Daddy said he needed a new friend.
So out he went one day, came home with Shishi.
And there you have the start of Shishi's story.
Daddy put the Shishi pup in Mommy's lap
For he thought that she could not resist
The sweet little red-furred, blue-eyed baby.
Though Mommy tried her hardest
For still she mourned for Pooky
One day the little Shishi pup got sick.
Now needed Mommy's constant love and care.
She found her way into the heart of Mommy
Now forever will the Epi-pup live there.
Though Mommy and the Shishi pup fought bravely
As did Daddy and her Dr. Pammy too,
In the end there was just no saving
Little Shishi from the Monsters and the Whack-A-Doos.
Now the Wolfpack, all her brothers and her sisters,
In the chat rooms come together as a family
Come to cry and howl for they miss her
Come to love and comfort Mommy and Daddy.
For she touched many who did not touch her
All now come for Love of Shishi.
Peg Rennert 11/30/03


For My Friend “The Lobo Wolf”

Oh my Soul
how I wished for rain
To hide the tear
caused by the pain

But in a desert
it is so dry
So all could see
it leave my eye

I tried to tell myself
“This is what’s right
But my heart fought back
with all it’s might

To lose again
another so dear
and that is why
I shed this tear

Tis wrong they say
For a man to cry,
Oh my, Nay
Tis right say I

This one, my life
she would defend
was more to me
than just a friend.

A companion through
this life I walk.
One with whom
I could always talk

So as I bid her
on her journey go
although it hurts me
this I know,

She was not really
mine to keep,
and so I bid her
gently “sleep”.

“My master made
His call to you
so go to him
is what you must do.”

“And though I
do not understand
I know you’re safer
in his hand.”

“In his garden
near the bridge,
watch for me
O’er yonder ridge.”

“So when my walk
of life is through,
I can come
And walk with you.”

Son Bob Rennert (InkyWolf)

The Winds at the Creek

I oft stand alone
by the creek in the Dell
and listen to the wind,
which sings so well.
In it's voice I hear laughter
and also hear tears.
And I wonder if it knows
the anger, the fears
Life can be hard,
be we four-legged or two
Hold the memories long
for they must do.
We part when we must,
all hear the call
For death comes
not to one but to all.

BJ Rennert 12/06/03


Please know that I know you are mourning with me. I feel your arms around me. Please forgive me for not being able to reach out to you, for I know you are hurting along with me. It's taking every ounce of strength I have to write this little bit. I don't want any of you to worry about me. YOu each know the great pain i'm going thru and it's going to take time for me to be able to come back. But rest assured I will be back, Sis saint I'm so sorry i had to cut you short on the phone. I really can't speak or do much of anything. AS you all can imagine my heart is shredded my soul is lost as I wonder around this very empty house. Shishi was my life and it's going to take a very long time for me to re-adjust to living without her. BUT I WILL. I love you all. Thank you so very much for being there for me and lobo.

"Cry For Happy"

ShiShis Journey

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