~*~ Anastasia ~* Once Upon A December ~*~

What will I remember?

When I put up the tree I will remember that nothing that jingles may be on the lower branches - Whizzer will claim them as hers.

Once the tree is up I will remember that no gift may be placed at the 5 and 7 o'clock positions - those were Friskie's spot, no point to placing a gift there - until she decides which of the 2 spots is hers. If the gift is small she will kick it out of her way, otherwise it becomes a cat bed.

When I start decorating I will remember nothing that looks like a broom or any white clothes that dangle and flutter are allowed as these things terrify Prissy.

When I do my holiday shopping I will remember those special holiday treats for the feral colony -to put out with the holiday scraps when the food is put out because the ferals in The Backyard Pride deserve Christmas too.

When I start wrapping gifts I will remember to keep track of all the little scraps of ribbon so they aren't eaten. And I will think about Baby and Snip who never got to celebrate Christmas here.

When I see the bright Christmas plants in the stores I will remember that they are not a good idea as Liz will chew on them and even non-toxic plants are bad for our pets.

When the lights are turned on I will remember Button who was so fascinated by the pretty lights, any lights, and loved to watch the cars go past the house.

When we plan family visits I will remember Big Big who was adopted and went to live with another over a Christmas holiday and sadly had an accident there.

When we put out the holiday throws and pillows and banners I will remember Littlebit in her little bed taking it all in and expecting to be even more pampered.

As we prepare for company I will remember Maynard who always greeted everyone and loved to engage anyone who would listen in conversation.

As the evenings settle in I will remember Sweet Soot who always felt that the close of the day was his cuddle time and would watch me sing as if I were actually good.

As I think about those who have never had Christmas I remember my little boy Velvet who disappeared so many years ago and hope someone took him who shared their Christmases and days with him.

For the holidays I will remember all the wonderful souls I have been blessed to share my life with. I will miss the 58 of mine and the 20 dogs I tried to save but could not, that are now gone. I will wonder about the ones I found what I hope were loving homes and hope they are having wonderful holidays.

I will be grateful for the 14 still here in my home and The Backyard Pride.

And I will celebrate the memories of each of them.

(c) Candace 10/24/2012

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